Dark Pyramid
Common Artifact
Temporarily increases your cloaking ability by 50.
Available from: Hourly Artifact Points or the Artifact Market
Artifact Type: Ship effect
Set Duration: 10 hours
Cost in Artifact Points: 350
Cost in Galaxy Points: 3
Cost in Energy to Use: 0
Artifact Effects:
Cloak +50 for 10 hours
Counter With: Containment Missile, Positron Clouder, or Quantum Firewall Trap
Alternate Uses:
- 8 required for each completion of the repeatable mission Darkness Falls
- 50 required for each Isolation Bureau built using the Collective Theory Lab
- 50 required for each Resonance Inhibitor built using the Collective Theory Lab
- 300 required to complete the mission The Alarri Sojourn
- 750 required to complete the mission The Biofleet Evacuation
Scraps for: 1,750 - 7,000 Credits
Share: Yes
Send: Yes
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