Stryll Assassin

The Stryll Order are a secretive organization of genetically enhanced criminal hunters. Their assassins are feared for their brutal efficiency and relentless pursuit of their victims.

Rank: Matched
Shields: None
Hull: Scaled: MROUND(ROUND(SQRT(Rank),0)*3,5)*100
Abilities: None
Attack: Scaled: 15*(ROUNDDOWN(Rank/2,0)+ROUNDDOWN(Rank/10,0)+IF(Rank-9= MROUND(Rank-10,10),1,0)+IF(ODD(Rank),0,1))-50
Defense: Scaled: 15*(ROUNDDOWN(Rank/2,0)+ROUNDDOWN(Rank/10,0)+IF(A2-9= MROUND(Rank-10,10),1,0)+IF(ODD(Rank),0,1))-50
Cloak: 20
Rewards: Dark Badge
Expires: After 8 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 10

Max DMG you can deal: Scaled: Rank*2.5
Minimum Shots to Kill: Variable
Best Possible XP/Energy Ratio: Variable

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