Rogue Tech Collector

The Rogue Science League have been in operation for many years, selling trade secrets to our enemies at the highest bid. Tech Collectors horde stolen tech parts taken from various sources.

Rank: Matched
Shields: Scaled: ROUND(SQRT(Rank*3600),-2)
Hull: Scaled: ROUND(SQRT(Rank)*0.6,0)*130
Approximation Abilities: None
Attack: Scaled: 10*(ROUNDDOWN(Rank/2,0)+ROUND(Rank/10,0))-50
Defense: Scaled: 15*(ROUNDDOWN(Rank/2,0)+ROUNDDOWN(Rank/10,0)+IF(Rank-9=MROUND(Rank-10,10),1,0)+IF(ODD(Rank),0,1))-50
Cloak: 50
Rewards: 1-2 Complex Tech Parts
Expires: After 8 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 20

Max DMG you can deal: Scaled: Rank*2.5
Minimum Shots to Kill: Scaled: Roundup((Hull+Shields)/(Max DMG))
Best Possible XP/Energy Ratio: Scaled: (((Minimum Shots)*10)+(XP Earned on Kill))/((Minimum Shots)*5)

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