Positron Clouder

Common Artifact

Releases an intense blast of high-energy positrons, reducing enemy cloaking ability by 50% for 15 minutes.

Available from: Hourly Artifact Points and the Artifact Market

Artifact Type: Battle, enemy
Set Duration: 15 minutes
Cost in Artifact Points: 400
Cost in Galaxy Points: 3
Cost in Energy to Use: 0
Artifact Effects: Cloak -50%
Counter With: Containment Cage
Alternate Uses:
500 required to complete the mission The Sha'jha Approach
30 required for each DM79 Datacenter built by the Collective Theory Lab

Scraps for: 2000 - 8000 credits
Share: Yes
Send: Yes
Image: [Positron Clouder]

Notes: The effects of this artifact stack, so more than one may be used on the same target.

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