Sha'din Penetrator

The Sha'din Coalition

Members of the Sha'din are recruited for their well known criminal backgrounds. The Coalition's Penetrators are specialized hacking vessels that can access even the most guarded enemy systems.

  • Matched - Uncommon Hacker

Rank: Matched
Experience on Kill: 65
Reward on Kill: Sha'din Algorithm
Expires: 24 Hours

Abilities: None
Shields: Scaled: ROUND(60*SQRT(Rank), -2)
Hull: Scaled: ROUND(60*SQRT(Rank), -2)
Attack: Scaled: 10*ROUND(Rank*3/5,0)-50
Defense: Scaled: 10*ROUND(Rank*3/5,0)-50
Cloak: Scaled: Rank * 0
Max DMG you can deal: Scaled: Rank*2.5
Minimum Shots to Kill: Scaled: Roundup((Hull+Shields)/(Max DMG))
Best Possible XP/Energy Ratio: Scaled: (((Minimum Shots)*10)+(XP Earned on Kill))/((Minimum Shots)*5)

Rank Stats Table

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Cloak Max Dmg Min Shots XP Ratio
20 300 300 70 70 0 74 9 2.2
27 300 300 110 110 0 74 9 2.2
28 300 300 120 120 0 41 15 2.6
79 500 500 420 420 0 198 5 4.6
106 600 600 590 590 0 265 5 4.6
112 600 600 620 620 0 280 5 4.6
150 700 700 850 850 0 375 4 5.25
172 800 800 980 980 0 430 4 5
309 1100 1100 1800 1800 0 755 3 5
600 1500 1500 3550 3550 0 1500 2
661 1500 1500 3920 3920 0 1652 2 8.5
2209 2800 2800 13,200 13,200 0 5522.5 2
2320 2900 2900 13,870 13,870 0 5800 1

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