XRP Warp Station

The Rogue Science League put considerable effort into constructing the warp station, but its purpose is unknown. Energy readings are extremely high within the core.

  • Extremely Rare Boss Base
  • Top 10 damagers are rewarded
  • Share with Ranks 350 - 2,000
  • Ship Image

Rank: 600
Shields: 350,000
Hull: 300,000
Abilities: Inverse Warp Pulse (Will sometimes disrupt attacking ships, lowering defenses 50% for 30 minutes)
Attack: 12,000
Defense: 13,000
Cloak: 1,000
Rewards: XRP Warp-Charge Pack, XRP Warp Fuel, XRP Warp Inhibitor
Expires: After 48 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 300

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