T.O. Troop Carrier

The Terran Outsiders are a closed band of human colonists that separated from the primary government during the first expansion. T.O. Troop Carriers are well-armed ships that carry heavy troops, typically in preparation for a large invasion.

Rank: Matched
Shields: Scaled: Unknown
Hull: Scaled: Unknown
Abilities: None
Attack: Scaled: Unknown
Defense: Scaled: Unknown
Cloak: 50
Rewards: Terraforming Device, Quasi-Spacial Expander
Expires: After 48 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 80 (Terraformer) or 200 (QSE)

Max DMG you can deal: Scaled: Rank*2.5
Minimum Shots to Kill: Scaled: Roundup((Hull+Shields)/(Max DMG))
Best Possible XP/Energy Ratio: Scaled: (((Minimum Shots)*10)+(XP Earned on Kill))/((Minimum Shots)*5)

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Max Dmg Min Shots XP Ratio(80) XP Ratio(200)
46 1000 400 230 230 105 14 3.14 4.85
72 1250 500 380 380 180 10 - -
172 2000 800 980 980 430 5 5.2 10
262 2500 1000 1520 1520 655 6 4.66 8.66
535 3500 1400 3170 3170 1337 4 6 12
625 3750 1500 3700 3700 1562 4 6 12
661 3750 1500 3920 3920 1652 4 6 12

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