Illegal Excavation



Mission Briefing

An insider tip has lead to the discovery of an illegal site operated by the Terran Outsiders. The location is heavily defended.

Rewards (If Sucessful): 4 Relic Badges

Comm Log

Terran Outsiders: You are not welcome here.
You: And you do not belong here.
Terran Outsiders: This site was discovered and developed exclusively by the Terran Outsiders.
You: ...and it lies within restricted territory.
Terran Outsiders: We're not going anywhere. Tell your ships to withdraw. You are wasting your time.
You: If you do not abandon the facility we will take it by force.
Terran Outsiders: You underestimate our defenses.
You: Stand down. This is your final warning.
Terran Outsiders: This discussion is over!


Eliminate Dropship Activity

The high rate of dropships will impede our ability to sieze control of the area. The dropships are deployed via massive carrier vessels. The Carriers must be found and disabled.

Task Type NPC Hunt
Requires: Disable 3 T.O. Dropship Carrier's.
Rewards: T.O. Heliofield

NPC: T.O. Dropship Carrier
Rare Elite (3 slots)
Rank: 300
Shield: 250,000
Hull: 60,000
Attack: 5,000
Defense: 6,000
Cloak: 0
Ability: Mass Purge - Will sometimes purge itself of most negative effects while being attacked. (Unknown percentage, but seems fairly high, negating most artifacts)
Timer: 12 hours
Reward: 100 xp

  • Note: REQUIRES rank 200+ to see the elite. Do not accept this task if you are below rank 200.
  • Note 2: Anyone who participates in the alerted elite battle will get credit if they have started the task, making a group effort more appealing.

Hack into Barrier Grid

The Barrier Grid stretches over the entire facility and is difficult to penetrate with weapons. Assign some specialists to take down the grid remotely, and recover any new technology in the process. Requires the skill of Hackers, Physicists, or Spies.

Task Type Mission
Requires: 250 Energy, 10,000 Research Points, Quantum Flare. Must be completed 10 times.
Rewards: T.O. Omnispanner

Secure Surrounding Space

In order to help prevent further incursions, warnings must be issued to other violators in nearby restricted space.

Task Type Planet
Requires: Use an Annex Warning on an enemy planet with 10 or fewer population. The Artifact requires 400 energy per use, and you must use 20 of them.
Rewards: Annex Decree (Artifact) (Removes any active timer on your invade clock. cannot be used within 4 hours of attempting an invasion.)

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