Chuhn Merchant

Chuhn Merchants carry a variety of goods of extragalactic origin.

Negotiate: Negotiate a deal to trade 100 energy and 60 CTP for a random item from the Chuhn. If you are a Merchant when using this ability, you will be refunded 40 CTP upon completion of the deal.

Rank: Matched
Shields: None
Hull: Scaled: Unknown
Abilities: None
Attack: Scaled: Unknown
Defense: Scaled: Unknown
Rewards: 1 of

Expires: 5 minutes
Experience Earned on Kill: N/A - Cannot be attacked

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Cloak
1166 - 48,000 16,270 24,430 100
 ?? - 62,000 27,970 41,980 100

2015 data:

Negotiate a deal to trade 100 energy and 50 CTP for a random item from the Chuhn. If you are a Merchant when using this ability, you will be refunded 30 CTP upon completion of the deal.

2014 data:

Negotiate: Negotiate a deal to trade 100 energy and 40 CTP for a random item from the Chuhn. If you are a Merchant when using this ability, you will be refunded 20 CTP upon completion of the deal.

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