Elios Sparkrunner

The Elios appear relentless in their migration. Given that their appearance is not unlike other races, it is unknown how they came to reside in the hot regions of stars.

"Sparks" are the first ships to leave Elios occupied stars during their migration.

  • Rare Matched Scout

Rank: Matched
Shields: Matched
Hull: Matched
Abilities: Unstable Core: Inflicts a Sparkrunner Cloud on your ship when it is disabled.

The Sparkrunner explodes in a cloud of static, enveloping your ship!

Sparkrunner Static : Hull -10% for 60 minutes (can not be dispersed with a Containment Cage - can only be transferred by successfully hacking an enemy ship with resources - timer transfers intact)

The Sparkrunner Static has transfered to the other ship during the hack

Attack: Matched
Defense: Matched
Rewards: Elios Heatsink
Expires: After 24 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 50

Note: Appears at random during The Elios Summer Event.

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Minimum Hits Year
1830 27,300 11,700 3244 98,770 9 2017
2241 30,100 12,900 3984 120,970 8 2018
2787 33,600 14,400 4,966 150,430 7 2019
3275 36,400 15,600 5,846 176,830 7 2020
3530 37,100 15,900 6,304 190,570 7 2021

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