Daily Reward
Claimable once every 20 hours for all players on their News tab, rewards are typically proportional to rank and may include:
- Energy Cube
- 5 Galaxy Points
- Mineral Points - Scaled:
4*(Your Current Hourly Mineral Production+10)
- 2 Rank Points
- Research Points - Scaled:
4*(Your Current Hourly Research Production+10)
- Tri-Matrix Emblem Artifact
- Various Exclusive Special Event Artifacts
From Annabell's forum post: http://galaxylegion.com/forum/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=33541&start=22
I have kept track of every draw for 627 consecutive days and the numbers show odds at:
- Mineral Units: 1/2 = 1:1 = 50%
- Tri-Matrix Emblems: 1/5 = 1:4 = 20%
- Research Points: 1/6 = 1:5 = 16.7%
- Energy Cubes: 1/12 = 1:11 = 8.3%
- Rank Points: 1/16 = 1:15 = 6.25%
- Galaxy Points: <1:500 = <0.2%
The data will never come out to exactly 100%, because on certain days you don't get any of these six rewards.
Note: It is possible to reset the timer for the Daily Reward through the use of a mission artifact known as a Paradox Generator. This allows you to claim one extra reward in a 20-hour period per Paradox Generator used. It also resets the timer on any active invade, share, planet abandon, hack, raid, repair, and trade ability timers you have. This artifact is gained through completing The Paradox Project mission. The mission can be completed five times, rewarding 2 uses each for a total of 10 per player. Once used, no more are available.
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Also see Timer Reset Artifacts
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