Cosmic Rail

Battle Market Artifact

Installs or upgrades a Cosmic Rail on your ship.

Available from: Battle Market Artifacts.

Artifact Type: Ship Module
Set Duration: Permanent
Cost to Purchase: Dark Badges: 319
Medal Point Requirement: 800
Cost in Energy to Use: None
Cost in Upkeep per day: 42.9M CR
Cost to Repair:
Artifact Effects:

Size: 20
Attack: +60
Defense: +60
Cloak: +60
Energy: +60
Bonus: If this device is already installed on your ship, this will instead upgrade its stats by 25% up to 500% max. (see table below) 

Number Available: Unlimited
Alternate Uses: None
Scraps for: 40 to 80 CTP
Share: No
Send: No
Image: Image

The 25% upgrade is considered and applied to the artifact "initial stats", all the time:

Upgrade Attack Defense Cloak Energy
0 60 60 60 60
1 75 75 75 75
2 90 90 90 90
3 105 105 105 105
4 120 120 120 120
5 135 135 135 135
6 150 150 150 150
7 165 165 165 165
8 180 180 180 180
9 195 195 195 195
10 210 210 210 210
11 225 225 225 225
12 240 240 240 240
13 255 255 255 255
14 270 270 270 270
15 285 285 285 285
16 300 300 300 300
17 315 315 315 315
18 330 330 330 330
19 345 345 345 345
20 360 360 360 360

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