Omnispectral Lens

Medal Reward Artifact

Reveals the location of a rare, unoccupied Prismatic planet.

Available from: Available from: Medal - Path of the Devoted

Artifact Type: Planet Scan
Set Duration: Instant, Permanent
Cost in Energy to Use: 2,000
Artifact Effects:

Automatic scanning of an unoccupied Prismatic planet
Size: Large
Mining: Extremely Abundant
Artifact: Extremely Abundant
Research: Extremely Abundant
Prismatic Immunity: Invicible +1

Number Available: 1
Alternate Uses: None
Scraps for: 50,000 - 200,0000 Credits
Share: No
Send: No
Image: Image

Once the Prismatic planet is colonized (?), you will get access to a Prismatic Foundation structure. The Prismatic planet will also have these abilities:

Return to Planets

See Also:
Prismatic Foundation
Prismatic Transcendance

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