Drannik Replicator

The Drannik built hundreds of these drones hundreds of centuries ago, and they survived long after they went extinct. Without adjustments to their programming, they have been running wild and replicating throughout the galaxy.

Rank: 120
Shields: 700
Hull: 50
Abilities: None
Attack: 700
Defense: 500
Rewards: None
Expires:After 8 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 23
The Drannik built hundreds of these drones hundreds of centuries ago, and they survived long after they went extinct. Without adjustments to their programming, they have been running wild and replicating throughout the galaxy.

Rank: 30
Shields: 200
Hull: 50
Abilities: None
Attack: 130
Defense: 180
Rewards: None
Expires:After 8 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 20

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