A Station Adrift

A Station Adrift

Mission Briefing

We recently detected an unidentified derelict station drifting into sensor range. One faint life sign was detected. Scientists have prepared a team to extract its biochamber - we would like your ship to collect any other important data you may find.

Becomes available at rank 20

Un-gray Requirements: None
Per Round Requirements: 25 energy
Per Round Rewards: 55 XP
Per Completion Rewards: Adaptive Spire
Per Round Risks: none

Mission Summary:

  • Per 1 Round
Requirements: 25 energy
Rewards: 55 XP
XP Return Ratio: 2.1
  • 60 Rounds/Completion
Requirements: 1500 energy
Rewards: 3300 XP, 1 Adaptive Spire
  • 20 Completions/Finish
Requirements: 30,000 energy
Rewards: 66,000 XP, 20 Adaptive Spire

Previous Mission: none

Next Mission: Xecti Recrudescence

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--Timothy Chong 19:00, 25 October 2011 (UTC)

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