The Ardyne Sabotage

Revision as of 01:53, 24 February 2014



Mission Briefing

Standard Mission Length: 3 days

We were in the midst of completing the Ardyne Gateway Nexus, a joint project between the government and our allies here in the Ardyne system. Several large explosions almost destroyed the nexus, and it looks like a sabotage was to blame.

Rewards (If Sucessful): 4 Relic Badges (awarded to all ships with completed, non-failed tasks)

  • Note: Phase 2 of this mission (??) will automatically begin.: "The Legion Mission The Ardyne Sabotage was successful. As a result, a follow-up mission has automatically started."

Comm Log

Tasril: Hello, commander. I am Tasril, the Ardyne project lead. For the moment, however, my duties have been put on hold to head up the investigation.
Can you tell me more about the project?
Tasril: This is by far the largest gateway nexus we've ever constructed. It will provide your ships quick access to the edges of your borders.
What caused the Explosion?
Tasril: Cloaked charges of some kind... remotely detonated. The charges were placed on the pylons, which are key structural areas.
Yes, and I can see the damage is extensive
Tasril: That is true, but we remain fortunate that the entire nexus did not collapse. Whoever placed the charges must have done so in a hurry.
So the nexus can be saved?
Tasril: If we get started immediately.
My colleague, Trovar, might be able to trace the source of the charges. Trovar?
Tasril: I'm sorry commander, but that is not possible. The energy output from these kinds of weapons greatly damages the quantum overlay. I would need a pure, un-detonated charge for any sort of accurate trace...
Hmm... Are there any charge fragments that remained in-tact?
Tasril: No. Well, nothing larger than a bacterium. We're still in the process of collecting the shards. Once enough of the pieces are re-assembled, it should give us a better idea of what was used. We're waiting on nano-assemblers to come online.
Any thoughts as to who might be against the construction of the gateway?
Tasril: Well, any of your enemies would certainly be against it. The borders are already strained. Having quicker access to the far reaches of these systems provides the gateway owner with a significant advantage.
But, this site is well secured. How does someone manage to sabotage the pylons?
Tasril: They would need to have knowledge of our security protocols, duty rosters, and shipment schedules... but i assure you, we've been very thorough with our security audits.
Is there a possibility that is might be somone on the inside?
Tasril: We're not ruling that out, but I have my doubts.
Tasril: The saboteur clearly didn't understand the internal structural layout. The charges could have destroyed the entire nexus if they had been placed correctly. Someone on my team wouldn't have made that mistake.
Did anyone manage to capture the remote detonation signal?
Tasril: Yes, I'm glad you mentioned that. A partial unknown signal was detected shortly before the explosion.
What have you been able to analyze? Tasril: The only usable data in the signal was a brief iota repeat sequence.
Is that Significant?
Tasril: It is typically found in signals that are boosted due to specific atmospheric disturbances.
What types of disturbances?
Tasril: Those found in the thick, ionized clouds of toxic planets.
Interesting. So, the saboteur must have initiated the detonation sequence from the surface of one.
Tasril: Yes, and it would be close by. They would want to remain within scanning range of the nexus during the detonation.
It's a lead, but i doubt they stuck around.
Tasril: I agree, but a deep scan may reveal some clues... something they might have left behind.
Well see what we can find.
Tasril: Report back when you learn more.
End Transmission</p>


Task 1: Remove Orbital Waste and Place Cannons

Before the Chronostatic Pulse cannons can be placed, a large amount of orbital waste will need to be targeted and cleared.

  • Note: Must be at least Rank 100 to start this task.

Task Type NPC Hunt
Requires: Disable 50 Ryelis Orbital Waste.
Orbital Waste: Hull: 15000, Attack: 10, Defense: 2000, Damage cap: 500
Rewards: Chronostatic Pulser Size: 19, Attack: 80, Energy: 25. If this module is already installed on your ship, this artifact will upgrade the existing module by 40% up to a maximum of 200%.

Task 2: Evacuate Ryelis Non-essentials

Leaders have asked for assistance with the evacuation of all non-essential Ryelis inhabitants. Beacons will need to be placed at nearby habitable locations, where dropships will land and establish temporary housing.

  • Note: Must be an Explorer, Guard, Excavator, or Biologist profession and at least Rank 300 to start this task.

Task Type: Planet
Requires: Place a Ryelis Evac Beacon (20 uses) on a nearby habitable planet.
Completion Requirements: 12,000 energy (600 per use of the Ryelis Evac Beacon that give Population +30% for 2 days on Dyson, Ecumenopolis, Gaia, or Terra planets)
Rewards: 3 Relic Badges, ZERO XP (on completion)

Task 3: Construct Ryelis Analyzers

In order for the pulse cannons to converge accurately, analyzers will need to be placed around the planet to relay realtime measurements.

  • Note: Must be at least Rank 80 to start this task.

Task Type Mission
Requires: 400 Energy, 8000 exotic matter, 5000 research points (20 ? placements required)
Completion Requirement: 8,000 Energy, 160,000 exotic matter, 100,000 research points (Total)
Rewards: 500 xp per placement and 1 Ryelis Analyzer (on completion): size: 1, artifact: 2, research 2:, cloak +5%

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