T.O. Gridrunner


Gridrunners are used to prepare host planets for colonization prior to troop arrival. They carry very few troops themselves.

  • Rare Standard Harvester
  • Only available during the Era of Harvest seasonal event starting in 2014.

Rank: Matched
Shields: Scaled: 6*ROUND(90*SQRT(rank), -2)
Hull: Scaled: ROUND(180*SQRT(rank), -2)
Abilities: None
Attack: Scaled: Unknown
Defense: Scaled: Unknown
Rewards: T.O. TerraFounder
Expires: After 24 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 20

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Max Dmg Min Shots XP Ratio
601 13200 4400 2655 16180 1503 12  ?
611 13200 4400 2700 16450 1528 12  ?
618 13200 4400 2730 16630 1545 12  ?
621 13200 4400 2745 16720 1553 12  ?
622 13200 4400 2750 16750 1555 12  ?
624 13200 4400 2760 16810 1560 12  ?
632 13800 4600 2795 17020 1580 12  ?
884 16200 5400 3930 23830 2210 10  ?
889 16200 5400 3950 23950 2223 10  ?
1032 17400 5800 2580 9  ?
1038 17400 5800 4620 27970 2595 9  ?
1084 18000 6000 4830 29230 2595 9  ?
1256 19200 6400 5600 33850 3140 9  ?
1317 19800 6500 3287.5 8  ?
1692 22200 7400 4230 7  ?
1996 24000 8000 8930 53830 4990 7  ?
2340 26400 8700 5850 6  ?
2453 27000 9000 10990 66190 6132 6  ?
3328 31200 10400 8320 5  ?
5200 39000 13000 13000 4  ?
9267 52200 17300 23167.5 3  ?

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