Prismatic Transcendance

Medal Reward Artifact

Creates Prismatic Rings around your planet and unlocks the ability Prismatic Domain on it. "The colors of your Prismatic Planet intensify..."

Available from: Medals - Furthering your Legacy

Artifact Type: Planet Enhancement
Set Duration: Instant, Permanent
Cost in Energy to Use: 1,000
Artifact Effects: Creates 'Prismatic Rings' around your prismatic planet, and unlocks the ability 'Prismatic Domain' on it. Prismatic Rings: Space +20%. Prismatic Domain Recruit ability becomes available under planet Actions tab.

Number Available: 1
Alternate Uses: None
Scraps for: 12,500 - 50,000 Credits
Share: No
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Image: Image

Prismatic Domain Ability

Recruits a group of government officials to one of your other planets at random. These officials occupy no space on the planet. Ability has a 40 hour cooldown.

Officials found to date:

Name Improvement
Galaxy Overseers Mining: 1
 ??? Artifact: 1
 ??? Research: 1
Galaxy Inquisitors Cloak: 100

(Whether officials can stack or multiple can occur on a single planet needs to be determined. Officials can be demolished, cannot be recovered.)

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