Carjean Diversion

Temporary Item - Legion Mission

Creates a carjean diversion on an enemy ship.

Available from: [War Divesion] legion mission task.

Artifact Type: PVP
Set Duration: Instant, 1 Hour
Cost in Energy to Use: 400
Artifact Effects: Creates a carjean diversion on an enemy ship.
Artifact Limits: Can only use if you have disabled this target in the last hour, but no more than 4 times in the last 24 hours
Number Available: 20
Alternate Uses: None

Scraps for: 3,000 - 12,000 CR
Share: No
Send: No
Image: Carjean Diversion

Note: Players will automatically receive twenty of these artifacts in their cargo hold upon joining the task. Players will then need to use the artifact on a player they have disabled in the last hour.

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