Supel Adaptations

Seasonal Daily Mission Briefing



Greetings. I come at great risk to myself to speak to you and your command. These drones were sent ahead of us for research purposes. It seems we need to clarify their purpose, or else progress will not be made.

Mission Dialogue

Supel: Hear us out.
You come from the Cluster ? Are you the creators of these drones ?

Supel: We are. We have been trying to cross into this side. Unsuccesfully, I came alone. And I will not survive long. But some of us must attempt it.
This "side" ?

Supel: We reside in a parallel phase, across a Rift aperture deep within the Lepus Cluster. During this part of the galactic cycle, the aperture is energetic enough to travel through.
Your messenger mentioned an "experiment" before. Is this what they were referring to ?

Supel: Our species' biological aspect isn't yet compatible with your side's phase. We've been sending probes, equipment, and specialists to study ways to adapt to conditions here, but it has been a slow process.
Why is your species trying to cross over to begin with ?

Supel: We are pressed into a war that we cannot win. A promising technology allows us to escape here out of phase, but it is a one-way trip through the aperture. So far, only augmented bio-mechanized equipment seems to survive the trip.
Those drones that you've sent still seem to malfunction here. We've had little choice but to engage them directly.

Supel: I cannot blame your curiosity for repurposing our equipment, given the lack of knowledge of their origin. Even so, it has not been entirely without benefit to us.
In what way ?

Supel: The drones have been gathering and relaying data of their own as a result of aggressive contact with ships here. Iterations of their designs are adapting progressively.
That sounds like a good thing.

Supel: It is, though this outcome was unexpected.
So... You want us to continue engaging them ?

Supel: Yes, but we'd prefer to avoid a larger scale conflict here. Our devices are short lived on this side anyway...
So it could still be mutually beneficial ?

Supel: It could. At least until we have perfected our adaptations. If you are willing to share data with us, we will not consider such offenses... an escalation.
What do you have in mind ?

Supel: Assist us in scanning this side of the cluster, and bring us corresponding data when engaging our drones.
What is your species' greater plans here ?

Supel: We desperately need a place to resettle. The Cluster is large enough, despite its sparse collection of worlds.
The Lepus Cluster isn't what we'd call an ideal area for new colonies.

Supel: But it remains in neutral territory. Can we count on your assistance?
... Yes, you can.

Supel: I trust you will follow through, as my time here is shorter than I'd prefer. Our collective survival is at stake.
What is your species called ?

Supel: Supel. It comes from the name of the region on our phase side.
Do you think your kind will be able to adapt enough in this cycle ?

Supel: Not enough to fully emerge. We are still defending our worlds in war on the other side, and there is still much to do. But progress will be made

End Transmission

Temp Mission Expires: Seasonal Mission for Easter
Un-gray Requirements:

Per Round Requirements: 420 Energy, 1 Supel Sensor Readings

Per Round Rewards: 55 XP

Per Completion Rewards: 1 Supel Comm Tower

Mission Summary:

  • Per 1 Round
Requirements: 420 Energy, 1 Supel Sensor Readings
Rewards: 55 XP
XP Return Ratio: 0.131
  • 8 Rounds/Completion
Requirements: 3360 Energy, 8 Supel Sensor Readings
Rewards: 440 XP, 1 Supel Comm Tower

This Mission is repeatable every 20 hours
This mission will end after 42 repeated completions

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See also The Lepus Drones

See also The Lepus Cluster

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