Ship Strategy

In Galaxy Legion there are many styles of game play to use. It can be difficult switching from some of them, as rank points cannot be re-assigned but they are effective strategies none the less.


All Rounder

A regularly used ship layout, where the player will have a balanced ship with balanced research. Players using this strategy will not be as effective in combat as other ships, but will be far more effective than people using hacker builds.

This is the most popular choice.

Suggested Races: Any

Suggested Professions: Any

Slow Ranker

As a slow ranker you will level up slowly to get optimum research and artifacts to make your ship stronger. As such, you will have amazing effectiveness in combat, but will lack the energy to do much in one go. Slow rankers will often neglect the energy and cloaking trees to give them as much as possible to spend on things like weaponry. The aim here is to stay at least 1 tier of weapons ahead of most other players to get as many kills for your energy as possible.

Suggested Races: Konqul, Aerlean, Lazuli, Vygoid,

Suggested Profession: Excavator, Fixer,

Fast Rankers

The exact opposite of slow rankers, fast rankers will invest heavily in energy to level up fast. Many fast rankers level up more than once in one day, as opposed to the level up once every 3 days-week of a slow ranker. You will have a much less powerful ship in combat, as you will invest more in Engineers rather than decks, and research the Energy tree more heavily.

Suggested Races: Human, Inergon,

Suggested Professions: Any


Hackers focus on an area of PVP other than combat. Hacking. Hacking allows you to steal research from your opponent, ultimately getting you further ahead in research - often more so than the slow rankers. As a hacker you need to research heavily in cloaking devices, with some scanning. It is recommended that you also research in weaponry, hull, and other combat tools.

Suggested Races: Zolazin

Suggested Professions: Spy, Hacker,

Small Ship

(Also known as raider ship) Often described as a slow death, this is a strategy that looks - and is - powerful early on, but one that you will regret later on in the game. The aim here is to only add 1 deck per rank to keep your damage cap a slow as possible. (Note: The damage cap is how much damage you can take in one go. There are two formulas for this, <math>(Rank+19)/2</math> or <math>Decks/2</math>, whichever is greater. Small ships will invest in tactical officers and engineers, and mainly research hull and structures (all ships should research structures).

Recommended Races: Konqul, Lazuli,

Recommended Professions: Fixer, Raider, Excavator.

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