Pevreon, Dark Specialist


Highly regarded within the guild, Pevreon is sought after for his wealth of experience with a variety of illicit activities. Notorious for evading captures, its advanced engines will eventually outrun any ship.

  • Extremely Rare Elite Smuggler
  • Top 4 damagers are rewarded
  • Share with Ranks 900 - 3500

Rank: 1000
Shields: None
Hull: 700,000
Abilities: Dark Evasion (Boosts its defense output by 100% for the first hour), Dark Void Missile (Will sometimes disrupt attacking ships removing most beneficial effects)
Attack: 20,000
Defense: 50,000
Cloak: 2000
Rewards: Dark Null Beacon Upgrade, Dark Void Engine, Dark Smugglers Cache (Estimated drop 45%/45%/10%)
Expires: After 3 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 50

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