Orion Menagerie

Artifact: Orion Menagerie
Artifact Type: Structure
Artifact Target: Your Planet
Install Cost: Unknown
Install Limit: Unknown
Aquire From: Unknown
Aquire Cost: Unknown
Aquire Limit:
Activation Cost: 0
Activation Period: Unknown
Activation Limit: Unknown
Sendable: No
Sharable: No
Scrapable: Yes 5 - 9 CTP

Artifact Market

Structure: Orion Menagerie
Size 1
Structure Limit 1
Extractable No
Resource Production
Mining -
Artifact 2
Research -
Attack -
Defense -
Cloak -
Population 5000
Invasion Defense -


The Orion Menagerie is a planet structure artifact, obtained from trading with a Chuhn Merchant during the 2018 "Chuhn" seasonal event.

Artifact Type: Planet Structure
Set Duration: Permanent
Cost in Energy to Use: 0
Artifact Effects:

Size: 1 
Artifact: 2
Population: 5000

Restriction: Can only be placed on a planet attacked in the last 48 hours.

Activated Ability: Release Creatures: Gain 3 Complex Tech Parts for each day that the planet has been calm. Requires 500 Energy. Charges Remaining: 2

  • Note: planets LOSE their 'last attacked' date 1000 days after any planetary attack - it is currently not known whether this limit affects the amount of ctp delivered upon activation after 1000 days of calm.

EDIT: CTP cap is 3,000 per test.

Artifact Limit: 1 per planet
Alternate Uses:
Upgrades With: None
Scraps for: 5 - 9 Complex Tech Parts
Share: No
Send: No

  • You receive 939 Complex Tech Parts. (313 days)

Return to Chuhn (seasonal event)

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