Prejor V2 Grav-Hutch

Limited Time NPC-Dropped Artifact - September

A Prejor device... but not from this Galaxy...

Available from: The extremely rare NPC Chuhn Merchant during the Chuhn Seasonal event in 2015.

Artifact Type: Weapon, Defense
Set Duration: Permanent
Cost in Energy to Use: None
Cost in Upkeep per day: 145M CR
Cost to Repair: 2.9B CR
Artifact Effects:

Size: 22
Defense: 90
Shield: 120
Double defense bonus for Aerlen, Xecti, and Guard Profession

Artifact Limit: 2 Grav-Hutch
Alternate Uses:
Supercedes: Prejor Grav-Hutch
Superceded By: Prejor V3 Grav-Hutch
Scraps for: 4 to 9 CTP
Share: No
Send: No

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