T.O. Harvester


Used heavily during the T.O. Era of Harvest, these ships are integral to preparing potential planetary sites for colonization. Like most T.O. vessels, they rely on heavy shielding.

  • Uncommon Standard Harvester

Rank: Matched
Shields: Scaled: 5*ROUND(80*SQRT(rank), -2)
Hull: Scaled: ROUND(80*SQRT(rank), -2)
Abilities: None
Attack: Scaled: 20*ROUND(rank*4/5,0)-50
Defense: Scaled: 30*ROUND(rank*4/5,0)-50
Rewards: Captured T.O. Harvester XX (where XX changes each year)
Expires: After 24 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 20

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Cloak Max Dmg Min Shots
150 5000 1000 2350 3550 200 375 16
384 8000 1600 6090 9160 200 960 10
601 10,000 2000 9570 14,380 200 1503 8
632 10,000 2000 10,070 15,130 200 1581 8
876 12,000 2400 13,970 20,980 200 2190 7
885 12,000 2400 14,130 21,220 200 2190 7
1040 13,000 2600 16,590 24,910 200 2600 6
1256 14,000 2800 20,050 30,100 200 3140 6
1488 15,500 3100 23,750 35,650 200 3720 5
1991 18,000 3600 31,810 47,740 200 4978 5
2340 19,500 3900 37,390 56,110 200 5850 4
4160 26,000 5200 66,510 99,790 200 10,400 3
9240 38,500 7700 147,790 221,710 200 23,100 2

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