Cleanup at Ryelis



Mission Briefing

Standard Mission Length: 3 days

Mission text goes here

Rewards (If Sucessful): 4 ?? Relic Badges (awarded to all ships with completed, non-failed tasks)

Comm Log

Sarinth: I'm afraid the celebration is short lived.
You: What happened?.
Sarinth: Ryelis processes some of the highest purity XTS-9 and XRS-5. Given their danger, we store the waste in orbit until it can be moved or dealt with.
You: I'm aware of that, but what is happening to the cloud?.
Sarinth: The waste is in danger of rapid orbital decline. If it were to fall, it could mean a major catastrophe..
You: How do you normally clean up the debris?
Sarinth: Twice a cycle, specialized cargo barges collect the waste, compress it in orbit, and launch the resulting pack into our star. It's crude, but effective. The current situation is the result of a lengthy labor dispute.
You: Can we get the barges working again?
Sarinth: Many of the barges were on contract, and have since left the system. Regardless, the debris is already descending. We have to deal with that first.
You: What about erecting a planetwide anti-graviton emitter?
Sarinth: Interesting. That could keep the debris at bay, but shutting down our facilities is a last resort ... we'll need to generate more power for that kind of field.
You: We'll see what we can do.
Sarinth: The government has created more than favorable terms for the barges, but for some reason we have had difficulty contacting them. See if you can find them. Let them know our new terms and get them to return as soon as possible.
You: Understood.
End Transmission


Task 1: Re-Recruit Ryelis Waste Barges

The Ryelis Waste Barges have since left the system. Find them, and convince them to return to restart the cleanup process

Task Type NPC Hunt
Requires: Use 10 Ryelis Contract on a Ryelis Waste Barge - 25 energy per placement.
Ryelis Waste Barge: Uncommon, Rank: 200, Hull: 2000, Attack: 300, Defense: 2300, Cloak: 100
Rewards: Ryelis Fuel Tank Upgrades a standard defense mod by 20% to a max of 100%.

Task 2: Setup Anti-Graviton Field

Until the waste can be permanently removed, a powerful anti-grav field will be used to prevent it from collapsing.

Task Type: Mission
Requires: 500 energy, 1 Relay Tower Chassis, 9000 research points. (25 rounds)
Completion Requirements: 12,500 energy, 25 Relay Tower Chassis, 225,000 research points
Rewards: 600 xp per round, Anti-Grav Repulsor</font> (on completion)

Task 3: Enhance Ryelis Power Generators (?)

Ryelis' power generators are currently at near ... Anti-Grav system to function, the generators ...

Task Type Mission
Requires: 500 Energy, 25 XTS-9 (20 rounds ?)
Completion Requirement: (Total)
Rewards: 3 Relic Badges (on completion)

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