
This page is intended to compile all of the information on alerts onto a single page to provide an overall framework.

Alerting allows you to notify fellow Legion members about Planets, Elite/Boss NPCs, Bases, or enemy pilots.


Planet Alerts

  • Duration: 12 hours
  • Restrictions: Must have Legion loyalty to send a Planet alert (enemy only ?) to Legion members

You can alert a planet that you have in your scan database to add the planet to the scan databases of your legion members. This addition is only temporary, unless the legion member colonizes or conquers the planet. Otherwise, when the planet alert expires, the planet will automatically disappear from the scan databases of your legion members.

NPC Alerts

  • Duration: until NPC is disabled or expires
  • Restrictions: legion members will only see alerts if they are within the NPC's rank range; original alerter must still be in the legion

You can send a notification to your fellow legion members, that adds a link to their News feed to an Elite NPC or a Boss NPC. These NPCs can then be targeted directly from that link until the NPC is disabled or expires. If you attempt to target the NPC after it has been disabled, you will see the following popup message: "This enemy has already been disabled."

The NPC will also be included on the Battle tab under the button "View Elite/Boss Alerts" (will not appear if no NPC alerts are currently active). These NPCs can be targeted via that listing, unless the NPC timer has expired before the NPC is disabled. The NPC will remain on the list until the original pilot who sent the alert logs in and refreshes their battle tab.

If the original alerter leaves the legion, you will get the following popup message: "You are no longer eligible to see this enemy".

Alerting a Space Entity that is blockading a planet will only alert the NPC, not the planet.

Base Lock Alerts

  • Duration: 8 hours (if your own legion's) or up to 8 hours (if shared via Battle Pact)
  • Must have Legion loyalty to participate in base attacks

Only one base can be locked at a time, so if you accept a lock via a battle pact invitation, you can not lock any other base until the base lock timer expires.

PVP Alerts

  • Duration: 48 hours (News log)
  • Restrictions: only 1 ship can be alerted every 12 hours

You can send a notification to your fellow legion members, that provides a direct link to an enemy ship.

Some players suggest that badging etiquette should control the use of pvp alerts to avoid abuse, but there is no in-game restriction on who you can alert or for what reasons.

Alert-related Medals


  • Deep Meditation: Go 30 days without leaving a legion, sending an alert on a planet, and/or sending an alert on an enemy player


  • Show and Tell: Alert your legion to the locations of every planet type.


  • If you want something done right ... : Disable 30 non-player 'Boss' enemies (10+ rewards) by yourself, without alerting them to your legion
  • Mind Over Matter: Use the Genetarr's Mind Influence ability on 100 enemy targets that were alerted by someone else in your legion
  • Warez my backup?: Use the NFX-2 Virus ability on 30 enemies alerted by other ships

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