Thetacron Yield Tests

Mission Briefing

As ships have grown larger and more powerful, omicron mines no longer seem to have the effect they once did. Our engineers have proposed several upgrade options that you may be interested in - but experiments of this kind are extremely dangerous.

Becomes Available Upon: Rank 135
Un-gray Requirements: Hull 1,100
Per Round Requirements: Energy 135, 1 Omicron Mine Trap
Per Round Rewards: 300 XP
Per Completion Rewards: 1 Thetacron Mine Trap
Per Round Risks: Potential for Thetacron explosion (massive damage)

Reward: Thetacron Mine Trap - [ Trap - 1 Week ] When applied, an attacking ship has a chance to take 2,500 additional damage instantly.

Mission Summary:

  • Per 1 Round
Requirements: 135 energy, Omicron Mine Trap
Rewards: 300 XP
XP Return Ratio: 2.2
  • 5 Rounds/Completion
Requirements: 675 energy, 5 Omicron Mine Trap
Rewards: 1,500 XP, 1 Thetacron Mine Trap
  • No Finish
Previous Mission: None
Next Mission: None

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