Voliir Enforcer

The Enforcers hasty construction seems to indicate that the Voliir lack proficiency in ship design. Their continued dependence on the bioships is a likely cause

Rank: Matched
Shields: Scaled: Unknown
Hull: Scaled: Unknown
Abilities: None
Attack: Scaled: Unknown
Defense: Scaled: Unknown
Rewards: Voliir Modulator
Expires: Never
Experience Earned on Kill: ?

Max DMG you can deal: Scaled: Rank*2.5
Minimum Shots to Kill: Scaled: Roundup((Hull+Shields)/(Max DMG))
Best Possible XP/Energy Ratio: Scaled: (((Minimum Shots)*10)+(XP Earned on Kill))/((Minimum Shots)*5)

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense
95 750 2,500 360 975
420 2,550 8,500 3,840 9,675
671 2,700 9,000 4,650 11,700
 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

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