Sha'din AI Matrix

The Sha'din Coalition

The AI Matrix provides significant assistance to most of the Sha'din hacking vessels, acting as a logic relay for missions. It is capable of detecting and warding off attacks by penetrating attackers' systems.

  • Ship Image
  • Extremely Rare Boss Station
  • Requires Scan better than 200 to appear in Battle Tab
  • Sharable with legion ranks 125 to 600
  • Rewards for top 10 Damagers.

Rank: 200
Shields: 60,000
Hull: 35,000
Abilities: Sha'din Overload - The AI Matrix hacks into your system and overloads your weapons, lowering your attacks by 25% for 30 minutes
Attack: 1,100
Defense: 1,200
Cloak: 200
Rewards: Sha'din AI Core, Sha'din Grid Network, Sha'din Supercomputer
Expires after 2 days
Experience Earned on Kill: 350

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