
FoxXRocks Legion: Xenobytes Combat Reputation: Dangrous

Rank 65 Silixx Builder Attack: 588 Defense: 416 Scan: 46 Energy: 150 Hull: 990 Shield: 78 Cloak: 101 Cargo: 218/360 Deck: 329/329 (299 without Silixx) Upkeep: 2.3M (4.6M without builder)

Ship Weapons: Crimson Auto-Laser, Heavy Quantum Devestator x3, Pisonic Amplifer Defenses/Shields: Microwarp Nacelle x2, Harmonic Resonator, Dark Ring Thruster Hull: Overcharged Q-Phased Plating x2 Energy: Omicron Injector Devices: AI supercomputer, EM Adaptive Panels Mark III, Tetra-Seek Targeter

Minerals: 219 per hour Artifacts: 531 per hour Research: 729 per hour

Battles: 2600 (Veteran) Player Kills: 87 Deaths: 58 NPC Kills: 69 Planets found: 113 Planets Occupied: 17 Planets Captured: 1 Missions Completed: 174 Scans: 199 Sucsessful Hacks: 92 Raids: 27

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