Zolazin Shroud Base

The Zolazin Cyborgs

Very few ships have come into contact with a Zolazin Shroud Base as they are virutally undetectable. The bases also arm themselves with powerful jamming devices that can cause serious disruptions to attacking ships.

Rank: Matched
Abilities: Zolazin Disruption - Will sometimes disrupt attacking ships, lowering their attack by 20%
Shields: Scaled: Unknown
Hull: Scaled: Unknown
Attack: Scaled: Unknown
Defense: Scaled: Unknown
Cloak: None
Rewards: Zolazin Shroud Cover
Expires Never
Experience Earned on Kill: 150
Max DMG you can deal: Scaled: Rank*2.5
Minimum Shots to Kill: Scaled: Roundup((Hull+Shields)/(Max DMG))
Best Possible XP/Energy Ratio: Scaled: (((Minimum Shots)*10)+(XP Earned on Kill))/((Minimum Shots)*5)

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Cloak Max Dmg Min Shots XP Ratio
 ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?  ?

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See Also: NPC Commons, NPC Uncommons, NPC Rares, NPC Extremely Rares

Other Factions: The Crimson Blades, Dark Smugglers Guild, The Drannik Automatons, The Lazuli Syndicate, Rogue Science League, The Sha'din Coalition, The Stryll Order, The Terran Outsiders

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