Stryll Trapper

Revision as of 05:51, 4 February 2011

The Stryll Order

The Stryll are genetically engineered hunters, used by various races to seek and destroy marked targets. Trappers are special ships used by the Stryll to weaken targets that they have been ordered to keep alive.

  • Matched Uncommon Hunter

Rank Matched
Shields: Scaled
Hull: Scaled
Abilities: Stryll Disruption - Will sometimes disrupt the systems of attacking ships,
lowering defense by 20% temporarily
Attack: Scaled
Defense: Scaled
Rewards: Stryll Trap Probe
Expires in 24 hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 50

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense
69 500 1000 360 360
Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense
117 600 1200 650 650
387 1200 2400 2270 2270

Return to Combat

See Also: NPC Commons, NPC Uncommons, NPC Rares, NPC Extremely Rares

Other Factions: The Crimson Blades, Dark Smugglers Guild, The Drannik Automatons, The Lazuli Syndicate, Rogue Science League, The Sha'din Coalition, The Terran Outsiders, The Zolazin Cyborgs

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