The Terran Outsiders

Revision as of 06:25, 17 November 2010

The Terran Outsiders are a group of rogue Humans who diverted from the original expansion centuries ago. They have developed many unique technologies and guard their advances jealously. T.O. Ships are especially well known for their superior shield technology, far more advanced than other races and factions. Caution is advised when dealing with Terran Outsider vessels. Terran Outsider vessels are occasionally found wandering the galaxy.





Extremely Rare

Thanksgiving Holiday Special

Return to Combat

See Also: NPC Commons, NPC Uncommons, NPC Rares, NPC Extremely Rares

Other Factions: The Crimson Blades, Dark Smugglers Guild, The Drannik Automatons, The Lazuli Syndicate, Rogue Science League, The Stryll Order, The Sha'din Coalition, The Zolazin Cyborgs

Special Factions: Hallows Bane

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