Galaxy Legion Forum

Patches and Updates
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Author:  webguydan [ Thu Feb 11, 2010 6:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

Changes made in 02/10/10 update:

- Ship information that other player's view will only show modules that are installed. Modules in cargo (uninstalled) will be hidden.
- Artifact rarity ranges have been adjusted. Most common/uncommon costs have stayed the same, but 'some' rare artifacts will cost more points to get (2200-4000 and beyond)
- A "View Ship Stats" button has been added to your ship tab. This will allow you to view your stats easier.

- Valentines Day is coming! An uncommon artifact has been added that you have a chance to get. There will also be a chance to claim it from the daily reward. Its only available for a limited time, so Good Luck!!

Author:  webguydan [ Fri Feb 12, 2010 3:49 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

Changes made in 02/11/09 update:

- There is now a research production output message and timer in the Research tab for convenience
- Ship module tooltips have moved from the image to the module name
- Ship module tooltips now have their ship limit mentioned.

Author:  webguydan [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 6:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

Changes made in 02/12/10 Update:

New Features:
- artifacts can now be 'scrapped' for a random amount of credits. Rarer artifacts will give more credits.
- Disabling a ship now gives Bonus experience if the ship you disabled is higher level than you. The higher the level difference, the greater the bonus!

- Battle summaries now show remaining shield and hull amounts for your ship (since the stat window is usually behind it)
- Ship details will now show the correct number (x2, x3, etc) of modules active on the ship
- Hacking energy cost has been reduced to 5 (down from 10)
- Hacking steals far more research than before, and critical hack chance has been increased.
- In order to encourage more stockpiling of materials, the Trade Tariff has been increased to 20% (up from 10%)

Author:  webguydan [ Sat Feb 13, 2010 10:58 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

Changes in 02/13/10 update:

New Features:
- Energy Relays and Conduits have been redesigned. They will now increase your energy recharge rate instead of your maximum energy. However, they reduce the maximum energy available on your ship. Use them strategically.

- Big Energy Change - Energy now completely fills to full when you gain a rank. Note that you are free to install additional energy modules before your rank to take advantage of this.

Author:  webguydan [ Mon Feb 15, 2010 2:56 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

Changes in 02/14/10 update:

- Research Tree will now have preview into what modules and structures will be unlocked in that tier

- The cost for the artifact 'Radiant Weapon Locker' has been increased, and it is no longer tradable
- To reduce the potential for multi-account abuse, the artifact 'Energy Cube' is no longer tradable

- Scaling repair costs have been lowered by a factor of 5.

Author:  webguydan [ Wed Feb 17, 2010 5:19 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

Some recent changes in 02/17/10 update:

- Leaderboard will now only allow you to target players in the 'Battles Won' tab
- Research rank limit has been increased 50%
- Planet production tooltips will show bonuses even when structures are not built

Author:  webguydan [ Thu Feb 18, 2010 3:15 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

02/17/10 updates (continued):

New Features:
- The legion invite feature has been added (this replaces the older 'Expand Your Legion' wall posting button)

- Planet share timer (and expiration) changed from 24 hours to 12 hours.
- The legion share popup in the trade area now sorts by highest rank first
- The completion level in the missions list will now show the required max levels
- Many exotic planets have been given new special names
- When hacking, there is now a random variance of the points you will get, centered on the ship's rank.

Author:  webguydan [ Sat Feb 20, 2010 3:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

Changes made in 02/19/10 update:

- Chance to get rarer minerals has increased. The higher your rank, the greater the chance you will get rarer minerals, and the less of a chance you will get "cheaper" ones. Expect some of these ratios to change slightly as this is being balanced.

- Ship upkeep now applies to all modules, regardless of whether they are installed or not.

Author:  webguydan [ Sun Feb 21, 2010 6:49 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: Patches and Updates

Changes made in 02/21/10 update:

- Raiding/Hacking: If you succeed in a hack or raid, the time before you can do another has increased by 20 minutes. If you fail, the timer will only be 5 minutes.
- Raid: chance to steal an enemy artifact (critical success) has been increased
- Most weapon modules now have a ship limit of 8

- Longevity serum now increases planet population by 50% (up from 10%), but is no longer permanent.
- Alien data disc is no longer tradable

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