Strazi Sentinel

Not a great deal is known about the Strazi and its relationship inside the Order. Their appearance in this region of space is curious...

Rank: 300
Shields: None
Hull: 50,000:
Abilities: Auto-Repair
Attack: 9,500
Defense: 5,800
Rewards: Damaged Stryll Datacore (after disabling)
Expires: After 1 Hours
Experience Earned on Kill: 20

Notes: Enemy will expire after 1 hour. Enemy must be hacked for 100 Energy (Begin Hack), and you must then attack it to get a code. After the code pops up on your screen, You must then use the Bypass ability for 200 energy which will then open up a box in the game for you to type in the code that pops up. This is to avoid the enemy auto-repairing. You have 1 minute from using the Begin Hack ability to disable the NPC.

Rank Stats

Rank Shields Hull Attack Defense Cloak Year
 ? -  ?  ?  ?  ? 2016
 ? -  ?  ?  ?  ? 2016

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