Story Time With Coth

Revision as of 16:44, 10 December 2010

Hi Coth here, this page is a compilation of the stories I make to explain aspect in GL. So here ya go!

Why theres no NPCs is Galaxy Legion.

A thousand eons ago the all planets of the universe were populated by species unique to their planets. Then Aac'Dac came along, and with Aac'Dac the power of hard rock. Aac'Dac saw that these species were pompous and egotistical, thinking that they were of all that existed in the universe the greatest things evah. Seeing this Aac'Dac pondered, and then through a sudden epiphany Aac'Dac knew exactly what to do! And so Aac'Dac said "Let there be light, and there was light Let there be sound, and there was sound Let there be drums, there was drums Let there be guitar, there was guitar, ah Let there be rock"

And it came to pass. That rock 'n' roll was born, all across the land every rockin' band was blowin' up a storm.And the guitar man got famous the business man got rich. And in every bar there was a superstar, with a seven year itch.There was fifteen million fingers learnin' how to play.

And so the planets of the universe came together, recognizing each other's mad skillz of rock and called each other brothers. Then Aac'Dac put it upon himself to then show the beings of the universe the "R" part of rock. (you know, "sex,drugs, and rock and roll") So the beings followed Aac'Dac's way for many generations. Seeing his work was done Aac'Dac left, forgetting to teach the being one very important thing....

By this time there was no one left who opposed the ways of Aac'Dac and thusly there were no scientists left, except one. He was know as "Darth Chewy". Then out of no where everyone became sick, deathly sick; but no one knew what to do. Everyone was sick in some different fashion and no matter how much medicine the sick took they died. Darth Chewy saw this epidemic among his people and worked franticly to put a stop to it. After years of testing and studying Darth Chewy discovered the cause. Alien Amino Deficiency Virus. As soon as he learned this he tried to find someone who hadn't already caught the virus but to his dismay there was none, not one being in the universe other then himself hadn't caught AADV. Realizing this he cried, until his very last moment.......

And thats why theres no NPCs in GL.

The Lasers of Galaxy Legion and how they work with Defense

Ok so in the Galaxy Legion universe there exists many weapons, but lasers are highly limited. To this day there is only one type of laser weapon that can be fitted onto anykind of spaceship due to the extreme power, space, and looking cool restrictions. Miraculously one company has managed to find a way to make a laser that can pass the restrictions.

This company is Cothorix Industries', and their "Model Q" series. The Q series comes in two varieties, the "Aqualung" and the "Red Hot Chili Pepper", or "AL" and "RHCP" for short. The defining difference in these two models is the laser type they support. While the AQ supports an anti-shield laser, the RHCP supports an anti-hull laser.

Every laser weapon in use today is simply an equal amount of these lasers strapped onto one turret point. Thusly every laser upgrade made is not a more powerful laser but merely more lasers being fired. Though many feel that Cothorix Industries' philosophy of "How am I gonna stop some big, mean Mother Hubbard from tearing me a structurally superfluous new behind? The answer: Use a gun. And if that don't work? Use more gun.", is merely an excuse to not have to work. Cothorix Industries claims that it's researchers are working around the clock to deliver newer more powerful lasers then their Q series.

Race Idea #1

The Xer'Atul

-They look like pandas, with top hats and monocles(sometimes shoes). But with neon colored hair on their heads, and then the rest is like regular pandas.

-Theyre ships use special torpedos filled with chemicals that do DOTs(Damage Over Time). As well as advanced gauss weaponry. They sound British and are pretentious.

-They want 4 things resources and technology for their homeworld, and for the rest of the galaxy to use "proper" grammar like they do. As well as to free what they believe is their Panda brethren which are kept by the rich in the galaxy as servants.

-They are organized into clans, the "Raqual" which focuses on defensive tactics, the "Cansar" clan which focus on relentless attacks, the "Bobard" which focus on making space stations, as well as many others.

-They like to trade information with the Vygoid(allied), they wish to either enslave or learn the energy absorbing properties of the Inergon(allied/enemies), they consider the Konqul a barbarish race but may hire them as mercenaries(neutral), and they like to trade supplies with the Sillix(allied). But they are willing at any time to act hostile towards anyone for the glory, and honour of their queen. They have no contact with the Prejor but love messing with their tech. They have one connection to the Glaviz that only the queen can use. They do not so much as consider themselves at war as much as "skirmishing" with the Zolazins. They learned all that they can about Drannik technology through dissection and thusly are considered hostile to the Drannik(and attacked by them frequently) but they can easily destroy even powerful Drannik ships due to their knowledge about them. They consistently use the Dark Smugglers Guild to transport their goods. They have never been hacked by the Sha'din Coalition. They also practically own the Rogue Science League as they are almost always the "Highest bidder". They are allied with the Terran Outsiders and trade with them often, but are distrustful of them. They hate the Crimson Blades for attacking their trade routes. They are loosely affiliated with the Stryll Order, but keep it under wraps. And consider the Lazuli Syndicate mere flies in their paths.


Ken Selvin: Hi Everyone. This is why we don't let Coth have alcohol anymore. :D Copyright infringement teams from Blizzard come down and take us all away if we do.

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