Scruuge Vicar

An insidious agent to the Scruuge Leadership.

  • Rare Mission Raider
  • [Ship Image]

Rank: 300
Shields: NONE
Hull: : 70,000
Abilities: Psionic Barrier (Immunity to Improved Mind Influence) and Forward Cannons (Deals damage equal to 50% of your ship's total hit points)
Attack: 5000
Defense: 5500
Cloak: 300
Reward on Kill: [Scruuge Calibration Chamber] [ Limited Item - Holidays ] [ Planet Structure - Size:1, Artifact:1, Mining:1, Cloak:200 ] If you have hired the 'Thraccti' Scruuge ally, the chamber's cloak bonus is doubled. Limit 1

Scrap Value (ea): 3 - 7 Complex Tech Parts
Expires: One hour
Experience on Kill: 50

Max DMG you can deal: Scaled: Unknown
Minimum Shots to Kill: Scaled: Unknown
Best Possible XP/Energy Ratio: Scaled: Unknown

This NPC has a targetable area. Select the reticule on the ships forward cannons to disable its ability to use it's cannons

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