
Helmsmen can be recruited by spending Rank Points. 1 Helmsman will increase your defense by 1 point. Each Rank Point spent will recruit 2 Helmsmen. So spending a full levels worth of rank points can hire 10 Helmsmen (5 Rank points x 2 = 10), increasing your defense by 10.

You can also get Android Helmsman from the Common Artifacts hourly pull.

Lutuma Memory Core adds 1 helmsmen to your crew when its ability is activated.

Cybernetic Link Interface adds 2 helmsmen to your crew when its ability is activated.

Experimental Crate adds 4 helmsmen to your crew.

Taltherian Def-Opt adds a variable number of helmsmen to your crew, based on the number of defense and shield modules you currently have online.

Helmsmen are included in your ship's crew that will help you in raiding enemy ships, and also help defend your ship from enemy raids.

See Also:
Tactical Officers

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