Zolazin Revenant

The Zolazin Cyborgs

(need descriptive text)

  • Mission, Common Zolazin Spy
  • Will randomly appear in battle tab while The Zolazin Battle mission is active.
  • Drops the Zolazin Debris needed for each round of The Zolazin Battle mission.

Rank 230
Shields: 600
Hull: 300
Abilities: ???
Attack: 1,100
Defense: 1,000
Rewards: Zolazin Debris
No expiration limit
Experience Earned on Kill: ???

Return to Combat

See Also: NPC Commons, NPC Uncommons, NPC Rares, NPC Extremely Rares

Other Factions: The Crimson Blades, Dark Smugglers Guild, The Drannik Automatons, The Lazuli Syndicate, Rogue Science League, The Sha'din Coalition, The Stryll Order, The Terran Outsiders

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