Elios Collector IX

Seasonal Market Artifact


Upgrades an Elios Collector VIII on your ship.

Available from: the Artifact Market during the Elios (seasonal event), starting in 2022.

Artifact Type: Ship Module
Set Duration: Permanent
Cost to buy from the Artifact Market: 51 GP
Cost in Energy to Use: None
Cost in Upkeep per day: 429 CR
Cost to Repair: 10,000 CR
Artifact Effects:

Size: 10
Energy Charge Rate: +12
Energy: +800

Artifact Limits: 2 Elios Collectors
Alternate Uses: None
Replaces: Elios Collector VIII
Upgrades with: Elios Collector X
Scraps for: 29,500 - 118,000 CR
Share: No
Send: No

Note: The Elios Collector is only constructed on ships Rank 50 and above.

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