
Just editing my page to say that I misspelled my username; if referring to me, refer to me as "F3AR3DLEGEND"...

My username on Galaxy Legion is F3AR3DLEGEND...

Rank 129 Siilix Fixer
Legion: Xenobytes
Combat Reputation: Laughable

Battles: 2893 (Veteran)
Player Kills: 30
Deaths from Players: 138
Non-Player Kills: 80
Planets Found: 51
Planets Occupied: 28
Planets Captured: 1
Missions Completed: 243
Scans Performed: 155
Successful Hacks: 17
Successful Raids: 12

Size Class: Battleship
Weapons: Prototype Mech XV
Energy: Singularity Core - Mark IV x3, Drannik Power Core, Positron
Relay x4, Omicron Injector
Sensors: Exo-Temporal Translator x4, AI Supercomputer
Hull: Merged Microgel Armor x3
Shields: Harmonic Resonator
Cloaking: Quantum Jammer - Mark III x2
Defenses: Spacial Thrusters - Mark III x3, Thrust Stabilizer

---F3AR3DLEGEND 15:54, 19 February 2012 (UTC)

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