
Rogue Science League

Only a few in existence, the XRP-Prototype represents a peak in small craft technology. Despite its size, the XRP can easily battle groups of much larger vessels, and comes equipped with advanced systems of all types.

  • Extremely Rare Elite Shuttle
  • Requires Scan better than 300 to appear in Battle Tab
  • Rewards for top 3 Damagers
  • Sharable to Legion Members Rank 200 - 900

Rank: 320
Shields: 20,000
Hull: 15,000
Abilities: none
Attack: 2,600
Defense: 2,200
Cloak: 300
Rewards: XRP Battery Pack
Expires after 2 days
Experience Earned on Kill: 150

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See Also: NPC Commons, NPC Uncommons, NPC Rares, NPC Extremely Rares

Other Factions: The Crimson Blades, Dark Smugglers Guild, The Drannik Automatons, The Lazuli Syndicate, The Sha'din Coalition, The Stryll Order, The Terran Outsiders, The Zolazin Cyborgs

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