
This will be a one-stop shop for common equations needed when playing the game. Credit will be given to original wiki posters who determined equations, and to those who simplify them


Planet Equations:

Planet Colonization Cost

Current Simplified Formula (Author - QCubed):

N = Number of Planets Controlled C = (N-1)^3 * 1000

Current Simplified Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Colonization Cost) = (((Number Of Planets Controlled)-1)^3) * 1000

Original Formula (Author - N/A):

X = Number of Planets Controlled minus one (1) p(x) = (x^3 + 3x^2 + 3x + 1) * 1000

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Colonization Cost) = ((((Number Of Planets Controlled)-1)^3) + ((3 * ((Number Of Planets Controlled)-1))^2) + (3 * ((Number Of Planets Controlled)-1)) + 1) * 1000

Planet Invasion Cost

Current Simplified Formula (Author - QCubed):

N = Number of Planets Controlled I = (N-1)^3 * 2000

Current Simplified Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Invasion Cost) = (((Number Of Planets Controlled)-1)^3) * 2000

Original Formula (Author - N/A):

X = Number of Planets Controlled minus one (1) p(x) = ((x^3 + 3x^2 + 3x + 1) * 1000) * 2

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Colonization Cost) = (((((Number Of Planets Controlled)-1)^3) + ((3 * ((Number Of Planets Controlled)-1))^2) + (3 * ((Number Of Planets Controlled)-1)) + 1) * 1000) * 2

Maximum Planet Limit

Current Simplified Formula (Author - QCubed):

R = Current Rank M = RoundDown((R / 4) + 1)

Current Simplified Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Maximum Planet Limit) = RoundDown(((Current Rank) / 4) + 1)

Resource Availability Formula

Original Formula (Author - QCubed):

A = Availability Number* R = -1+(A * 0.25) R%= (-1+(A * 0.25) * 100 Note: Availability Multiplier is a number from 0 to no known limit, which corrosponds to the named resource availability starting from No Resource being (0) and incrementing by one per resource upgrade. Hence an artifact which increases "resource availability by 2" (AKA "Two Levels) is incrementing the value of A by 2.

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Resource Multiplier) = -1 + ((Availability Number) * 0.25) (Resource Multiplier In Percent) = (-1 + ((Availability Number) * 0.25)) * 100

Planet Space to Size Formula

Original Formula (Author - QCubed):

Z = Size of Planet (Number System) S = (Z*6)+15 Note: The Size of a Planet is a number from 1 to 11, corrosponding to vTiny = 0 and Mega Collosal = 11, incremening by 1 for each value in between.

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Space Available) = ((Size Of The Planet) * 6) + 15


Total XP For Next Rank (Total)

Original Formula (Author - QCubed):

R = Rank XP(T) = 20 * (R ^ 2)

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Total XP) = 20 * ((Rank)^2)

XP Needed to reach Next Level (Difference Between Last Rank and Next)

Original Formula (Author - QCubed):

R = Rank XP(D) = (40 * R) + 20

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Difference in XP) = (40 * (Rank)) + 20

NPC Formulas

Max Damage Inflicted Against an NPC in a Single Shot

Original Formula (Author - QCubed):

M = N * 2.5

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Max Damage in a Single Shot) = (NPC Rank) * 2.5

Minimum Hits Needed to Kill an NPC

Original Formula (Author - QCubed):

K = (H + S) / ( N * 2.5)

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(Minimum Hits Needed to Kill an NPC) = ((NPC Hull) + (NPC Sheild)) / (( NPC Rank) * 2.5)

Best XP to Energy Ratio for Killing an NPC

Simplified Formula (Author - QCubed):

XP/E = ((B / (K * 5)) + 2

Simplified Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(XP to Energy Ratio) =  ((XP Earned on Kill) / ((Minimum Shots) * 5)) + 2

Original Formula (Author - QCubed):

XP/E = ((10 * K) + (B)) / (K * 5)

Original Formula In English (Translated By: QCubed)

(XP to Energy Ratio) =  (((Minimum Shots)*10)+(Bonus XP Earned on Kill))/((Minimum Shots)*5)

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