Journey of the Magnus

Mission Briefing

You've reached the honor to participate in the Vygoid Magnus Journey, an extremely long and dangerous pilgrimage through the entire quadrant. On this path, you are to visit 7 distinct outposts. They have gifts to honor your place in our history. Go.

Becomes Available Upon: Level 130
Un-gray Requirements:  ?
Per Round Requirements: Energy 140
Per Round Rewards: 290 XP
Per Completion Rewards: 1 Magnus Statue: Planetary Structure: 1000 Invasion Defense.
Per Round Risks: Potential stress fractures (medium hull damage)

Mission Summary:

  • Per 1 Round
Requirements: 140 energy
Rewards: 290 XP
XP Return Ratio: 2.07
  • 30 Rounds/Completion
Requirements: 4,200 energy
Rewards: 8,700 XP, 1 Magnus Statue
  • 7 Completions/Finish
Requirements: 29,400 energy
Rewards: 60,900 XP, 7 Magnus Statues
Previous Mission: none
Next Mission: none

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