Tracing the Shipments

Revision as of 14:34, 14 January 2011

Mission Briefing

Tsshhk! Stop! We d-don't know where the weapon is. We are -tsshhkk- Lazuli, yes - but are trying to leave the Syndicate. Spare our refinery - we can help plant tracers in the -tssshk- Tevrazon. They have carriers arriving in a few days.

Becomes Available Upon:  ??? Completion Finding the Superweapon
Un-gray Requirements: Superior Scanning Technology
Per Round Requirements: Energy 220
Per Round Rewards: 500 exp
Per Completion Rewards: Tevrazon Tracers
Per Round Risks: None

Mission Summary:

  • Per 1 Round
Requirements: 220 energy
Rewards: 500 exp
XP Return Ratio: 2.273
  • 50 Rounds/Completion
Requirements: 11,000 energy
Rewards: 25,000 exp, 1 Tevrazon Tracers
  • 2 Completions/Finish
Requirements: 22,000 energy
Rewards: 50,000 exp, 2 Tevrazon Tracerss
Previous Mission: Finding the Superweapon
Next Mission: Help from the Inside

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