Hijack Rescue

Revision as of 22:59, 14 August 2010

Mission Briefing

A luxury vacation vessel has been hijacked by a powerful crime syndicate. The passengers include a variety of wealthy and prominent figures. Infiltrate the ship and rescue them all.

Becomes Available Upon: Rank 65
Un-gray Requirements: Raids 5
Per Round Requirements: Energy 66
Per Round Rewards: 100 XP
Per Completion Rewards: none
Per Round Risks: Chance of crew member death

Mission Summary:

  • Per 1 Round
Requirements: 66 energy
Rewards: 100 XP
XP Return Ratio: 1.51
  • 15 Rounds/Completion
Requirements: 990 energy
Rewards: 1,500 XP
  • 5 Completions/Finish
Requirements: 4,950 energy
Rewards: 7,500 XP
Previous Mission: none
Next Mission: none

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