With the Hidden Outposts Medal (Upgrade the passive cloak of 5 or more planets to 7500+ using Ravyn's Deep Cover ability), we were discussing how to max your cloak most efficiently. Below is sort of what I'm doing but I'll take some ideas and suggestions if any have them.
3892 from 28 fold + 3 magnetospheres or 25/4
3992 2x Deep Cover Ability
5242 5x Clandestine Revisions (Mission Market)
5992 6x Deep Cover Ability and Morphogenic Suits Ability
6067 1x Morphogenic Suits Ability
6467 8x Deep Cover Ability
6867 XC1 Transport probe (Planet Building)
6967 2x Deep Cover Ability
7367 1x Chronophase Receiver (LM artifact)
7517 3x Deep Cover Ability
There are other permutations and one has to take into account that Deep Cover is 10 hours while Morph suit is every 40.
You can use more than one Chronophase Receiver; they are just rare that I assumed most people didn't have many.
Someone in my legion reminded me that there is the
Xecti Ensconcing Field out here some may have available to use.
Wiki says there is no max limit on how high they will work so I would say use them later in the cloaking when you have nothing but Deep Cover to use. I would make sure the roll over from 7499 to 7500 is done with the Deep Cover Ability as it might not get the medal otherwise.