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I had nothing to with this first and foremost but selling all those GP items should NOT be able to be done. Uninstalled at best but sold hell no !!!... And Dan should restore those modules to the base and fix it so it can't be done again.
Sure Dan could make more money if people HAD to buy them again but the truth is that it won't get done. Too much real money was spent and the members won't want to buy them again.
They shouldn't feel they should have to because of one persons decision.

Kicking a legion is a decision that should be only done with at least 2 or more people. Dan can figure out what that number should be.
That decision was made between me and Krauzen about 2 years ago btw.

As for the reason this was done needs to be known and talked about so EVERYONE can learn from it. It's sad that lightning struck twice here but the leadership shouldn't feel pushed into a corner to make them feel they need to lash out at the legion members.

I promised the former Dysonians that I wouldn't talk about our issues that we had any further and I'll respect that.

I will say what has already been known though and that is :


This is a war game that runs 24/7 unlike most games out there and tensions can run high for that reason.
People that have no life and kicked out of school and live in their mommies basement can look at their screens for 18 hours a day and focus on one person if they wish to ruin their game time that might be an hour a day because that's all his life gives him.

Maybe that guy has so many serious responsibilities to pay the bills, the house payment and feed the kids that he just can't play as much as he'd like and it shouldn't be one persons mission in life to destroy the precious time that he has and be able to succeed.

I've talked about this in the past and I don't see or know of any progress done on this issue and that's exactly why THE LEGION NEEDS TO STEP IN AND DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

There is no reason that a group of 40 - 60 people can't stop one or two punks harassing a legion member ..... NONE.
When one of you login, click on the alerted idiot and pound him and zero him.
If he gets up and he's clicking KV's / Krionus Virus', get a group of 5 - 10 and put him down to frustrate the piss out of him.
If he's too hard to take down, EVERYONE spam him with artifacts off and on all day and hit him with Containment missiles so he can't enjoy his time playing.

If you guys want to stop seeing this crap, all you have to do is defend your guys.
It's pretty much that simple.

Members you need to listen to your leadership.
If you don't like it there, there are many other legions to go to.

_________________ ... eb2917543/

Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:24 am
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Wings of Valmar Rank 1611 Ship Size 7915 and counting !
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Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:35 am
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Sorry, but NO I don't know that he is right. Requiring multiple leaders/officers sign-off on selling base mods is interesting and certainly something that can be considered. As for the other, just "No". Sorry, but it's a war game. Hitting someone once a day, every day, is well within the accepted etiquette of the game and is far from "harassment". You don't wanna be targeted and killed? Don't play a war game. Or, build a tougher ship.

And, yeah sorry too, killing someone once a day, every day, should in no way "ruin" someone's gaming experience. Calming amps, halcs exist for a reason. Or, is it you wanna be able to kill all you like for an hour or two, but then not be able to be killed yourself? You big, bad, warrior you.

Roddenberry1....standing proudly against the continued "panzification" of GL. :)

Wed Apr 15, 2015 9:58 am

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Roddenberry1 wrote:
Sorry, but NO I don't know that he is right. Requiring multiple leaders/officers sign-off on selling base mods is interesting and certainly something that can be considered. As for the other, just "No". Sorry, but it's a war game. Hitting someone once a day, every day, is well within the accepted etiquette of the game and is far from "harassment". You don't wanna be targeted and killed? Don't play a war game. Or, build a tougher ship.

And, yeah sorry too, killing someone once a day, every day, should in no way "ruin" someone's gaming experience. Calming amps, halcs exist for a reason. Or, is it you wanna be able to kill all you like for an hour or two, but then not be able to be killed yourself? You big, bad, warrior you.

Roddenberry1....standing proudly against the continued "panzification" of GL. :)

I'll give you that. Once a day is a badge. No big deal.
Attack them back and it's even.

If the other wants to be an idiot and keep attacking him all day everyday then that person has stepped way over the line.

Halcs can be used but not if the person wants to get badges and kill npc's.
That's when the legion needs to step in especially if the leaders and officers tell everyone to.

If they don't do that, then there will be problems I promise you.

_________________ ... eb2917543/

Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:07 am
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Right, I'm talking strictly about legitimate badging opportunities here. No harassment there and nothing beyond designed game-play. Now one player killing another multiple times per day (technically per 12 hour period, but many respect the un-official 24 hr period) is a whole different story. Unfortunately certain members of the Dysonians do nothing but whine and cry about simple badge hits.... and I promise you those players in the Dysonians who read the comms know who those players are. Like I said it's one of the reasons I left Dysonians several months ago.

Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:14 am

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Roddenberry1 wrote:
Right, I'm talking strictly about legitimate badging opportunities here. No harassment there and nothing beyond designed game-play. Now one player killing another multiple times per day (technically per 12 hour period, but many respect the un-official 24 hr period) is a whole different story. Unfortunately certain members of the Dysonians do nothing but whine and cry about simple badge hits.... and I promise you those players in the Dysonians who read the comms know who those players are. Like I said it's one of the reasons I left Dysonians several months ago.

Gotcha ...... +1

I'm strictly talking about the few that hold a person in a different tab all day and mess with them so they can't play.
I've had this done twice to me in 5 years so I know they're some sick people out there like this that spend that much time to ruin someones gameplay every few minutes at times all day.

I tell my Legion to badge back and to not alert badge hits. It's a new game from what the beginning was.

_________________ ... eb2917543/

Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:25 am
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+1 from me as well.

It seems you and I are talking about different issues when it comes to harassment. What you are talking about does go beyond what should be tolerated and a legion should support such a player as best they can. I was simply referring to the frequent claims of harassment coming from certain Dysonians when, in reality, they were simply being killed once per day, in a legitimate badging situation, by another player yet they constantly whined in-legion and made threats to report the attacker to Dan for harassment to try to get them banned. Just poor sportsmanship, imo.

Wed Apr 15, 2015 10:30 am

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and still no response from all. probably why it took over 2 wks for my forum account to be activated

Thu Apr 16, 2015 2:01 am
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You just never know with Dan. Sometimes you get a speedy response, other times.....not so much.

Thu Apr 16, 2015 3:21 am

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Roddenberry1 wrote:
Chris Idra wrote:
Honestly, Dysons have one of the toughest Lvl 8 base out there with more hull than some 9s. If Dan gives them the GP stuff back you should go and join them instead in sitting in a Lvl 6-7 base wich gets disabled every other day and whine about it.
If Dan refuses to give the stuff back well RIP Battlestaion Dysonia sad to see you fall.

This. Battlestation Dysonia, in it's prime was very, very tough. As is, with it gutted though, idk. Unfortunately I'm in the camp that Dan should not return the items. Choices were made, promotions given, ill considered as they may have been I think those choices should stand. This is in no way limited to the Dysonians, either. I think all legions need to stand by the choices they make when decisions are made. So leadership made poor choices. If we remedy them, are we going to remedy all the other poor choices every player/legion has made in the game? Choices need to have consequences.

This is a big load of crap Rodenberry.
I suppose everyone should have e.s.p and be able to predict the future so they can avoid bad promotion decisions. The guy who did this obviously made an impression on his legion to get promoted, how were they supposed to know he would pull some @#$% like this? There was no way of knowing.
Dan should definitely replace the GP mods that were lost. They were already paid for and 1 a hole shouldnt be able to cancel that out. Period.

Sorry to hear that this happened. The Dysonians seem cursed.
Things like this just shouldnt happen and when they do, Dan should make every effort in his power to make it right. Anyone who disagrees with that is an idiot.

Thu Apr 16, 2015 4:46 pm
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Gee....Tell me how you really feel Space.....LOL. Oh I forget, we live in an age where no one is responsible for their actions. How about man-up a bit. You might wanna give that a try for a change.

Furthermore, there were clear signs.... I was in the Dysonians when this player was promoted through the ranks.... Gee I would have thought part of being a good leader was being able to recognize and promote quality players. Guess that's not how it works 'cause, you know, heaven forbid a leader should be responsible for who he promotes and who he gives power to. Choices were made, ill considered or not, those choices should have consequences. Course, I completely understand you don't feel the need to be held accountable for any choices you personally make. Typical. And, sad. Try growing a pair. Responsibility shirking idiot.

Thu Apr 16, 2015 5:51 pm

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yes a legion should be punished cause a player cough cough blitz starts something with a much much stronger ship then demands his members to do something lmfao your a joke see your ship soon well when you repair atleast so you can show up on the bt again

Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:08 pm

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as for the issue with the base mods being sold i agree it should be say 2 or 3 people that has to give the okay for the mod to be scrapped not just a single person just like mass booting.

Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:09 pm

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To Blitz:
I do realize that your name was thrown out there before you responded to this thread and that could very well be the only reason you responded. That being said, I find it almost comical the way you come in here and try to justify, yet again, what you did. Like its somewhat more acceptable than what this latest yahoo did.

I think we all get why you did what you did as youve explained it several times.There could be more reasons you did it but this seems to be the one you talk about the most.
Negron kept you tabbed all the time, checked on you often and attacked you as soon as you repaired without fail. You asked for assistance from your legion and received none. You felt Negron had completely stopped your ability to play the game and you blamed your legion for it. You and some other bozo decided to end the dysonians by kicking all of its members in the middle of the night while they slept without warning or explanation.

Apparently you and this other guy felt you were the big boss leaders of the dysonians and felt it was your call and your call alone to end the dysonians. Maybe this was the case but im sure you could have found a better way of handling it. For example you could have demoted all legion mates to member and made all base options "leaders only". You could have made an announcement that you were disbanding the legion and they have xxx amount of days to find a new home or be kicked. Even better you could have just left the legion as you did anyway but could have avoided screwing over the rest of them.

No matter how you slice it Blitz, what you did was just as much BS as what this latest guy did.
Youre by no means any better than him.

Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:20 pm

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Roddenberry1 wrote:
Gee....Tell me how you really feel Space.....LOL. Oh I forget, we live in an age where no one is responsible for their actions. How about man-up a bit. You might wanna give that a try for a change.

Furthermore, there were clear signs.... I was in the Dysonians when this player was promoted through the ranks.... Gee I would have thought part of being a good leader was being able to recognize and promote quality players. Guess that's not how it works 'cause, you know, heaven forbid a leader should be responsible for who he promotes and who he gives power to. Choices were made, ill considered or not, those choices should have consequences. Course, I completely understand you don't feel the need to be held accountable for any choices you personally make. Typical. And, sad. Try growing a pair. Responsibility shirking idiot.

Its a game dude. its not real life. Your telling me that decisions made in a GAME should cost people real money? Yes that is exactly what you are saying. They promoted someone they shouldnt have and so lots of real life money was wasted.. Oh well, everyone has to be responsible for their own actions even in a make believe game. If they make the wrong decision and it costs them real money then so be it. People should never make the wrong decision, even in a game meant to be fun. Losing real life money is NOT fun. Your getting smarter and smarter by the minute Rod.

This could happen to ANYONE. We meet these people in a GAME that is ONLINE. Nobody can say for sure that someone who has been cool playing the game for years and showed great leadership ability for that time wont someday get a bug up their arse and do something stupid just out of spite. I mean who can put that much faith in a person you've never even met in real life?

Keep arguing with me on this. Im right, your wrong, end of story.;

Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:32 pm
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Sorry, FAR from the end of story. You argument of losing real life money just doesn't hold water. Nor does the concept that you somehow shouldn't properly screen who you promote. (Possibly a little concern because CN has 87 leaders?) Don't worry I think you're least the ones I know anyway.

Few solutions.... Multiple leaders have to sign-off on selling base mods. Or, since you are so worried about losing real life money.....only the player who purchased the base mod can sell it because no one else is out any real life money anyway except that person.

Finally since we keep getting back to this particular situation.....this player was promoted far too quickly and he showed clear signs of having issues with the game / certain players long before this incident. It's not like he earned his rank by investing years into the game / legion. Barely a couple months. tell me....if you've invested all that money and time into your legion does it seem like a sensible thing to promote someone to a position where they can sell it out from under you after only being with the legion for 2 or 3 months? Think hard.

Thu Apr 16, 2015 6:42 pm

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Roddenberry1 wrote:
Sorry, FAR from the end of story. You argument of losing real life money just doesn't hold water. Nor does the concept that you somehow shouldn't properly screen who you promote. (Possibly a little concern because CN has 87 leaders?) Don't worry I think you're least the ones I know anyway.

Yes, my argument of losing real life money in a GAME does hold water to anyone reasonable.Especially in this situation. And where did I say that you shouldnt properly screen someone before promoting..And what exactly do you mean by screen? should I run their criminal background? check their FB profile? Contact their friends, family and former employers for reference? Maybe give them a drug screen? here, pee in this cup before I promote you. Yes, I know its only a game but pee in this cup anyway. You still seem to be under the assumption that you can actually get to know the REAL person behind a player you met in an online game. Are you seriously this foolish? The CN leaders that you know wouldnt do anything like this? Well, having been in CN for a long time I would say the same thing. But can I really know this for fact? I cant imagine any of those fine people doing it but then again, I've never met any of them in real life so I couldnt possibly know for fact that any of them wouldnt. To say I do would just be foolish.Again, this could happen to ANYONE at ANYTIME by even the most trusted and friendly leaders. But when it does happen, lets not blame the a hole that actually did it, lets blame the leader who promoted him.

Few solutions.... Multiple leaders have to sign-off on selling base mods. Or, since you are so worried about losing real life money.....only the player who purchased the base mod can sell it because no one else is out any real life money anyway except that person.

The solution is easy and needs no coding or thought. If this happens, Dan should reimburse the lost items. Easy enough. The items were already paid for so Dan loses no money and it doesnt happen very often, only 2 or 3 times ive heard of in 4 years, so Dan loses no time reimbursing these items.Plus, he keeps his players happy by not letting some #$&*$# screw up their base.

Finally since we keep getting back to this particular situation.....this player was promoted far too quickly and he showed clear signs of having issues with the game / certain players long before this incident. It's not like he earned his rank by investing years into the game / legion. Barely a couple months. tell me....if you've invested all that money and time into your legion does it seem like a sensible thing to promote someone to a position where they can sell it out from under you after only being with the legion for 2 or 3 months? Think hard.

Again, its only a game so the "you made a bad choice so you and everyone in your legion deserve to be out all the real money you spent" argument is complete crap for all the reasons Ive already outlined for you. Also, you seem to have an issue with the guy who did this, youve already stated that you didnt like the guy and left dysos because of him. Looks to me like your taking this opportunity to shove it down dysos throat in some sort of "i told you so" BS. IMO, this makes your opinion on this issue null and void.

Lets also not forget that this could very well discourage people from spending GP on base mods. I mean if any ol yahoo in a leadership role can completely screw you over like this, why risk real money on it in the first place? You could say "well I know my leaders would never ever do something like this"..Well, think again, they could....If they wanted to, and just because they dont want to now doesnt mean that they wont want to someday in the future. You met them online and just because they are cool now, doesnt mean they will be cool later. Just takes 1 little thing to piss off some people and the result could very well be something like this.

So Rod, get off your "Holier than Thou" attitude and the "its your own damn fault so suffer for it" kick and realize that its only a game and shouldnt be taken so seriously. A game in which the population is already spiraling downhill and it doesnt need anything as stupid as this discouraging even more from playing.

Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:34 pm

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Fight.... Fight.... Fight....


Thu Apr 16, 2015 8:51 pm
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Funny I thought the game was in a downward spiral because of lack of new content, issues playing from a phone, and endless whining. Looks like I can safely add you to that last bit. And, who says I don't blame the person responsible? Absolutely blame him, but the person who put him in the position of authority also has to take some of the blame.

Simple solution....only the person who paid for the mods can sell them. No one else is out any real money in any way. Also, in that situation this person would have not been able to sell any mods to begin with....problem avoided completely.

Since we're making criticism here, how about you give some thought to the whole concept of personal responsibility; unless that is too foreign of an idea for you. BTW, I thought a frequent complaint from the boys at CN was that other players didn't take the game seriously enough? Guess that idea is out the window, too, given you don't think the game should be taken so seriously.

Finally I really, really doubt this issue will discourage any new players. By your own admission it is exceedingly rare. And, to the best of my knowledge all the former players from Dysos are either still there, or have simply moved on to other legions.... except one; so not a huge loss from the player base.

Last edited by Roddenberry1 on Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:06 pm
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LOL....working on it, Kirk :P

Thu Apr 16, 2015 9:08 pm
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