Galaxy Legion Forum

What kills legions?
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Author:  XxMercasterxX [ Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:39 am ]
Post subject:  What kills legions?

I've been seeing a lot of legions die these past few months. I'm seeing quite a few legions on the verge of dying that used to be pretty high up in the boards just this year. I am a relatively new leader in my legion so it's a big concern for me at the moment :P

Author:  Pitch Ninja [ Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:16 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

XxMercasterxX wrote:
I've been seeing a lot of legions die these past few months. I'm seeing quite a few legions on the verge of dying that used to be pretty high up in the boards just this year. I am a relatively new leader in my legion so it's a big concern for me at the moment :P

One thing:

Selfishness. Inactivity. Anything in game that requires teamwork. Mainly Selfishness though.

When you have only a select few that sacrifice, that becomes old and people start to not want to be on that team anymore. I've seen that in so many different legions. When it comes to legion missions, anymore to keep things fair, I've seen more and more legions assigning team members tasks during the Mawks Mission. Sad that it has to come to that but there it is. Interestingly enough though and kind of ironically, I'd venture to say that Legions are what killed this game. Legions revealed just how many selfish people are out there as well as just how selfish they are in anything that requires teamwork - Bases and legion missions being the best examples.

Truly that's just the tip of the iceberg but IMO, it's selfishness. It encompasses more areas than just legion missions, ofc.

Author:  asquall [ Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:24 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

In short, boredom.

As for me, GL is a constant clicking that makes it seems like a chore rather than a game. If Dan could reduce that, it will be very awesome and I'm sure will greatly reduce the retention rate of veteran players.
I'm nowhere top of the players, and I've been long since stopped increasing my AP output, just because I'm bored collecting prisoners, turning them into rank points, then distribute them on attack and energy. I can't imagine the clicking top players must done to maintain their ship growing rate, after what I've felt.

Dan makes great contents through this year, but as long as there's no new feature, and reduction on the clicking, people will get bored quickly and eventually leave. I'm afraid the 5-6 year old players only stick around just because of the curiousity of each anniversary content, and when the oldest of the oldest leave, GL will die.

Author:  CapitainePaul [ Wed Aug 03, 2016 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

In my experience it is when Leaders and Officers care more about their low rank players and/or trainees than loyal high ranks.

As said above, ego, pride and selfishness are all reasons that lead to downfalls.

I have noticed that in several legions barely active players held titles and that fact was never questionned. Most of these legions have died out from their obsession with the "status quo".

P.S: This is just my two cents from my game experience and the many legions I have been a part of.

Author:  senatorhung [ Wed Aug 03, 2016 5:36 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

Captain Clueless strikes again !!! contradicts himself in the same post !!

CapitainePaul wrote:
In my experience it is when Leaders and Officers care more about their low rank players and/or trainees than loyal high ranks.

P.S: This is just my two cents from my game experience and the many legions I have been a part of.

as for the OP ... what i look for in leadership is fairness. there are different kinds of selfishness, and different kinds of altruism. some members contribute more in some areas, and less in others. balancing the needs of members from a wide range of ranks is very challenging.

EoTS tried to lock in the high ranks. but very active high rank ships come with big egos, and their leadership failed to rein them in. Clueless is a perfect example of the kind of crap that Tree had to juggle.

AU tried to lock in the slow.rankers. they lost all their mid to high ranks to other legions that focused on legion missions.

Blues Brothers attempted to gather all the malcontent members from other legions. if they weren't willing to follow rules in their previous legions, why would they do so in a new one ?

i haven't been in many legions, but so far i have found that the best evidence of poor leadership is poor officers. that shows both poor judgement on the leaders' part, as well as a lacklustre interest in improving matters by removing those officers from their positions. other symptoms of bad / selfish leadership:

- %sundays (when there is no current push for a base upgrade)
- downing bases in the first 10 minutes of a lock (preventing the majority of members from getting a raid)
- promoting too many officers, thus removing most of the benefits of the o.comm to hash out legion issues
- unclear expectations / consequences for members in regards to base overhits .. legion mission participation .. NPC soft.locks

Author:  CapitainePaul [ Wed Aug 03, 2016 6:00 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

You are such a vile person. A month is a legion can be Loyal. In GL loyalty is defined by being in the same legion for 7 days so you completely missed my point trying to take a shot at me.

I guess you have nothing better to do and probably have no life, no friends and only take joy in beating up on MY posts. Such a sad individual.

You should be BANNED from these boards for ALL these baseless accusations about me. May you rot in Hades!!!

Author:  Redneck_King_of_Funk [ Wed Aug 03, 2016 12:12 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

I think it is overall inactivity

There just are not enough players to go around. Have you scanned lately ? How many No legion owners have you come across?

It is a matter of Inactivity.

Author:  RexMundiAbu [ Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:30 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

What kills legions? Capitaine Paul and others like him that complain all the time ...

Author:  pokerman123 [ Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:11 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

lol rex

Author:  pokerman123 [ Thu Aug 04, 2016 1:17 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

what kills legions are all these ssb's who does not carry enough scan to find certain npcs but yet when 1 is alerted they are normally the very 1st to dive on.
which then starts to annoy some of those bigger and few ssb ships who does have that scan to find those npcs.

ego's crossing each other is a huge killer in allot of legions to many big ego's with no brains to walk away and cool down for a bit. ends up in explosion in the legion with multiple people taking multiple sides now an issue is in the legion.

legion missions so many want to do task 2 on mawks but does not want to take a turn on task 1 is another example paladins from what i had heard has had an issue with 1 member just recenelt who was told to do task 1 instead did task 2 and then left the legion. this normally will start a small issue and if not resolved instantly can explode into a major issue.

base % is 1 but at the same time people have to remember some of us ships who has donated ranked like crazy to get the base to that stage it is at so it is our own reward back for putting in the effort to help the base.

another is a member in the legion go's nuts and declares war on another legion but the 1 who declares war only has 2 ships who even thinks of fighting while the rest runs for there halcs which then creates an issue.

to many collectors no1 wanting to do anything which push's away those who do stuff to another legion slowly 1 starts to die.

dead chats some people come online to chat a bit with people around the world a silent chat will not provoke people to stay around and play so they will leave

Author:  ODragon [ Thu Aug 04, 2016 2:09 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

I agree with many of the problems you mention, maybe all of them.

I think most of them can be consolidated into "my ship is more important than my team". The game is Galaxy Legion but there are very few people who think past themselves. They don't care that they don't find the NPCs as long as they get on them. They don't care about sharing planets but are the first to take shared planets. They'll tap a base but never be around if you need them. We've all seen these people and they are in every legion.

pokerman123 wrote:
legion missions so many want to do task 2 on mawks but does not want to take a turn on task 1 is another example paladins from what i had heard has had an issue with 1 member just recenelt who was told to do task 1 instead did task 2 and then left the legion.

FWIW, he said to the officer who gave him T1 he thought "the rotation wasnt fair to those who need morphs more". Is there anyone in the game who doesn't need more morphs?

Author:  CapitainePaul [ Thu Aug 04, 2016 3:50 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

Pac is right about SSB's. Most of the time they are a serious hindrance to a legion. Same with slow rankers or low rank players that never scan for themselves.

There should be a special "war zone" feature or something so that players that run their mouth and go join a bigger legion to get protected and are causing childish wars most players have nothing to do with and then comes the spamming, arti-bombing, CM abuse and disrespectful messages. Multiple uses of Disarming Bombs and EMP's could also have a maximum since some players have auto-clickers or macro-commands and can annoy someone for days and days or even several players in several tabs.

EDIT: actually they should be added right away as offensive actions instead so those spammers would get TM locked quickly after acting like children »»»» they get a time out!

Yes GL is a WAR game; actually more of a strategy game but that does not mean we cannot be civilized.

Author:  DarkMar [ Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:03 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

just answer Gollum's riddle and you have the answer to what kills legions as well :)

This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.

Author:  TheFix [ Thu Aug 04, 2016 6:55 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

DarkMar wrote:
just answer Gollum's riddle and you have the answer to what kills legions as well :)

This thing all things devours:
Birds, beasts, trees, flowers;
Gnaws iron, bites steel;
Grinds hard stones to meal;
Slays king, ruins town,
And beats high mountain down.

Time. There's never enough of it either.

Author:  galaxis [ Sat Aug 06, 2016 5:06 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

Totally agree with all pac man said....btw Blues Bros. is alive and well and building from within which seems to be the only way anymore :?

Author:  GINK51 [ Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:28 am ]
Post subject:  Re: What kills legions?

'If you want to know what kills legions, that would be Fate, Icariums Fate, we wreck anyone who gets too close.'

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